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Sense organ eye

 Eye or Vision  Anatomy of the eye-        Eye is the organ of sense for sight ,which situated in the orbital cavity or eye socket  Eye is the the spherical shaped organ in the sense which is help in vision or sensory vision .  It's about 2.5 CM in diameter and  three layers of the eye are completely covered There are three layer is-  1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous 2.Middle layer or tunica vasculosa 3.Inner layer or Tunica Nervosa   1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous- - Outer layer consists of two structure cornea and sclera . It is outermost avascular layer of eyes which preserve the shape of eye ,  A nteriorly consists of cornea and posteriorly consists of sclera.  A. Cornea - Cornea is the outermost part of the eyes which is anteriorly transparent Court over the coloured Iris . cornea is convex cornea is convex,anteriorly light rays enter into the eyes through the cornea to focus on the retina . structurally cornea c...

Important test in comunity health nursing

 Important test in comunity health nursing-

Important Tests :

1. Adom test - Scoliosis

2. Allen test - ABG Analysis

3. Aldehyde test - Leprosy

4. Phosphate test - Pasteurization

5. Patch test - Allergic Reaction

6. Tourniquet test - Dengue

7. Urea Breath test - H.Pylori

8. Schick test - Diphtheria

9. Dick test - Scarlet Fever

10. Rothers test - Acetone in Urine

11. Hey test - Bile Salt Urine

12. Smith test - Bile Pigment Urine

13. Benedict test - Urine Glucose

14. Kveim test - Sarcoidosis

15. Rinne & Webber test - Hearing

16. Direct Coomb test -  Hemolytic Anemia

17. Ischiara test - Color Vision test

18. Snellen Chart test - Distance Vision

19. Confrontation test - Central and Peripheral Vision

20. Jegar's type Card test - Near Vision

22. Schiling test -  Vitamin B12 Absorption

23. Histamine test - Leprosy

24. Roller Over test - Pre-Eclampsia

25. Fern Test or Nitrizine test - leakage of Amniotic fluid

26. VDRL test - Syphilis

27.VMA (Vanellyl Mandelic Acid) -  Pheochromocytoma

28. Glucose Tolerance test - Diabetes Mellitus

29. Glycosylated Hemoglobin /Hb1AC test - Diabetes Mellitus

30. Water Deprivation test - Diabetes Insipidus

31. Treadmill / Stress test - Heart Function

32. Triple test - Down Syndrome

33. D-Dimer test - Measuring Clot formation (DVT, PE, DIC)

34. Trendelenburg test - VericoseVein

35. Phallen / Tinnel test -Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

36. Gold QuntiFeron test -Tuberculosis

37. Bangle Test - Protein Energy Malnutrition

38. Tensilon test -Myasthenia Gravis

39. Romberg test -Neurological Function / Balance or Gait 

40. Knee Kiss test -Meningitis in Children

41. Tzank test - Herpes Genital or Vericella

42. Frie test -Lymphogranuloma inguinale

43. Widal test - Typhoid (on2ndweek)

44. Weilfelix test - Typhoidfever

45. Bonny test / Marshall test - Stress Incontinence

46. Binnet test - Intelligence Quotient

47. Sweat Chloride test - Cystic fibrosis

48. Hanging Drop test - Cholera

49. Paul Bunnel test - Epstien Barr Virus

50. Shake test / Bubble test - Surfactant and Fetal Lungs Maturity 

51. Rubin test - Patency of Fallopian Tube

52. Tape test - Pin Worm

53. Ortho Tolidin test - Check Chlorine in Water

54. Dexa Scan - Bone Metabolic Disease (eg.Osteoporosis)

55. Heel to Shin test - Body Coordination Test

56. Halo test - CSF Leakage

57. Dexamethasone Suppression test - ACTH or Pituitary / Adrenal Gland Tumor 

58. Arthrocentesis - Joint Inflammation and Infection

59. Holter Monitoring - 24 Hours ECG Monitoring in Dysarhythmia

60. Pulmonary Function test - Measure Lung Volume and Capacity (By-Spirometer)

61. SGOT & SGPT (AST/ALT) - Liver Function Test

62. PAP’s Smear - Cancer of Cervix 

63. Creatinine Clearance test - Estimation of GFR

64. Wood's Light Examination - Superficial Infection of Skin

65. Burrow Ink test -  Scabies / The Itch

66. Braden Scale - To Measure integrity of Bed Sore.


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Sense organ eye

 Eye or Vision  Anatomy of the eye-        Eye is the organ of sense for sight ,which situated in the orbital cavity or eye socket  Eye is the the spherical shaped organ in the sense which is help in vision or sensory vision .  It's about 2.5 CM in diameter and  three layers of the eye are completely covered There are three layer is-  1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous 2.Middle layer or tunica vasculosa 3.Inner layer or Tunica Nervosa   1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous- - Outer layer consists of two structure cornea and sclera . It is outermost avascular layer of eyes which preserve the shape of eye ,  A nteriorly consists of cornea and posteriorly consists of sclera.  A. Cornea - Cornea is the outermost part of the eyes which is anteriorly transparent Court over the coloured Iris . cornea is convex cornea is convex,anteriorly light rays enter into the eyes through the cornea to focus on the retina . structurally cornea c...