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Sense organ eye

 Eye or Vision  Anatomy of the eye-        Eye is the organ of sense for sight ,which situated in the orbital cavity or eye socket  Eye is the the spherical shaped organ in the sense which is help in vision or sensory vision .  It's about 2.5 CM in diameter and  three layers of the eye are completely covered There are three layer is-  1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous 2.Middle layer or tunica vasculosa 3.Inner layer or Tunica Nervosa   1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous- - Outer layer consists of two structure cornea and sclera . It is outermost avascular layer of eyes which preserve the shape of eye ,  A nteriorly consists of cornea and posteriorly consists of sclera.  A. Cornea - Cornea is the outermost part of the eyes which is anteriorly transparent Court over the coloured Iris . cornea is convex cornea is convex,anteriorly light rays enter into the eyes through the cornea to focus on the retina . structurally cornea c...

Eating disorder - bulimea nervosa and anaroxia nervosa

Eating disorders

Anaroxia And bulimea Nervosa

eating disorder-:: eating disorder is characterized by abnormal patterns of eating.

there are two types of eating disorder
(1) bulimia nervosa
(2) anorexia nervosa

(A) anorexia nervosa -::
definition -:: anorexia is a eating disorder that is characterized by low intake of food then normal due to fear of obesity ,,weight gaining and drive for thinness .

it is very common in adolescence girls.

(B) etiology -:: 
1. social factors -:: influence of mass media ,, beauty contests,,, modeling,, advertisement

2. family factors -:: overprotection,,,, no interest in food

3. psychological factors -:: negative attitude for own body,, low self esteem,, excessive perfectionism

4. biological factor -:: disturbance and hypothalamus function

(C) clinical features-:: fear of obesity,, body image disturbance,, very low weight,, prone for infection,, constipation,, dehydration,, hypokalemia,, amanora in the female,, malnutrition,, dental caries,, chronic inflammatory bowel disease,, psychologically upset,,, hormonal imbalance,, low blood pressure,, bradycardia,, hypothermia,,, fatigue,, low calorie value,, habit for excessive exercise,,,bed habit for using of laxative,, cardiovascular problem

(D) diagnostic evaluation-:: 
1. complete physical examination
2. complete blood testing (to assess cholesterol,,sodium,, potassium,,calcium,, glucose level et )
3. ECG recording
4 ICD 10 criteria
5. symptoms of disease

(E) treatment -:;
1. pharmacotherapy ( using of neuroleptic,, appetite stimulants and antidepressant)
2. psychological therapy ( using of individual,, behaviour ,,cognitive and family therapy)

 (F) nursing management -::
1. monitoring of vital sign of patient
2. monitoring output and input chart of patient diet 
3. provide psychological support to patient
4. education council the present for normal weight gaining 
5. prevention of complications of anorexia nervosa disease bye making good management
6. correct electrolyte imbalance of patient
7. continuous monitoring of weight of body( weight gaining must be 0.5 to 1 kg per week)
8. p provide gavage feeding for patient,, if he refuse for eating of food


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Sense organ eye

 Eye or Vision  Anatomy of the eye-        Eye is the organ of sense for sight ,which situated in the orbital cavity or eye socket  Eye is the the spherical shaped organ in the sense which is help in vision or sensory vision .  It's about 2.5 CM in diameter and  three layers of the eye are completely covered There are three layer is-  1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous 2.Middle layer or tunica vasculosa 3.Inner layer or Tunica Nervosa   1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous- - Outer layer consists of two structure cornea and sclera . It is outermost avascular layer of eyes which preserve the shape of eye ,  A nteriorly consists of cornea and posteriorly consists of sclera.  A. Cornea - Cornea is the outermost part of the eyes which is anteriorly transparent Court over the coloured Iris . cornea is convex cornea is convex,anteriorly light rays enter into the eyes through the cornea to focus on the retina . structurally cornea c...