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Sense organ eye

 Eye or Vision  Anatomy of the eye-        Eye is the organ of sense for sight ,which situated in the orbital cavity or eye socket  Eye is the the spherical shaped organ in the sense which is help in vision or sensory vision .  It's about 2.5 CM in diameter and  three layers of the eye are completely covered There are three layer is-  1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous 2.Middle layer or tunica vasculosa 3.Inner layer or Tunica Nervosa   1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous- - Outer layer consists of two structure cornea and sclera . It is outermost avascular layer of eyes which preserve the shape of eye ,  A nteriorly consists of cornea and posteriorly consists of sclera.  A. Cornea - Cornea is the outermost part of the eyes which is anteriorly transparent Court over the coloured Iris . cornea is convex cornea is convex,anteriorly light rays enter into the eyes through the cornea to focus on the retina . structurally cornea c...

Hyperkinetic disorder in psychiatric disorders

 Hyperkinetic disorder

hyperkinetic disorder -::;

it is also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

ADHD was first described by heinrich hoff  in 1854.

it is very common in boys and girls

definition -:: it is behavioral and emotional disorders which is characterized by

* hyperactivity


*over attention or lack of attention

main progress to conduct disorder

etiology -:: 

*genetical factor-:: more common in monozygotic twins

* biological factor -::disturbance in dopamine and norepinephrine level

*environmental factor -:; environmental lead ,,,

food additives,,, colouring preservatives and sugar

* psychological factor -:: emotional problems ,,,stress full event,,,, family disturbance

* pre peri and postnatal factor -:::prematurity,,,,,

 fetal distress ,,,,,prolonged labour,,,,, birth asphyxia low apgar scoring,, meningitis,,, encephalitis,,trauma,,, epilepsy

clinical features -::: 

1. most sensitive to stimuli like noise,,, light,,, temperature and environmental changes

2. history of more sleep and slow growth and development

3. child are flaccid or limp

4. mor commonly active in crib,, sleep little

5.: general coordination deficit

6. specific learning disability

7. memory and thinking deficit

8. impulsivity

9. failure to finish task

10. distractibility

clinical feature in school -::

* answer only the first two question

* quick answer to question before they has been completed

* unable to wait to perform task or activity

* has difficulty awaiting turn in game's 

* losses things at school

* often fidgets with hand or feets or squirum in seat

clinical feature at home -::

* explosive or irritable  behaviour

* emotionally labile

* impulsiveness

* unpredictable mood

* excessive talking

* engage in physically dangerous activity without consideration like run into street without looking

diagnosis -::::

1. psychiatric evaluation and mse

2. teacher school report

3. monitor the behaviour of child

4. history of prenatal life of mother

treatment -::::

1. behaviour therapy

2.  cognitive therapy

3.  social skills training

4.  family education

5.  psychological support

6. administration of antipsychotic drug

7. administration of tricyclic antidepressant

8. administration of CNS stimulant like pemoline,,, of dextroamphetamine ,,,,, methyphenidates


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Sense organ eye

 Eye or Vision  Anatomy of the eye-        Eye is the organ of sense for sight ,which situated in the orbital cavity or eye socket  Eye is the the spherical shaped organ in the sense which is help in vision or sensory vision .  It's about 2.5 CM in diameter and  three layers of the eye are completely covered There are three layer is-  1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous 2.Middle layer or tunica vasculosa 3.Inner layer or Tunica Nervosa   1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous- - Outer layer consists of two structure cornea and sclera . It is outermost avascular layer of eyes which preserve the shape of eye ,  A nteriorly consists of cornea and posteriorly consists of sclera.  A. Cornea - Cornea is the outermost part of the eyes which is anteriorly transparent Court over the coloured Iris . cornea is convex cornea is convex,anteriorly light rays enter into the eyes through the cornea to focus on the retina . structurally cornea c...