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Sense organ eye

 Eye or Vision  Anatomy of the eye-        Eye is the organ of sense for sight ,which situated in the orbital cavity or eye socket  Eye is the the spherical shaped organ in the sense which is help in vision or sensory vision .  It's about 2.5 CM in diameter and  three layers of the eye are completely covered There are three layer is-  1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous 2.Middle layer or tunica vasculosa 3.Inner layer or Tunica Nervosa   1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous- - Outer layer consists of two structure cornea and sclera . It is outermost avascular layer of eyes which preserve the shape of eye ,  A nteriorly consists of cornea and posteriorly consists of sclera.  A. Cornea - Cornea is the outermost part of the eyes which is anteriorly transparent Court over the coloured Iris . cornea is convex cornea is convex,anteriorly light rays enter into the eyes through the cornea to focus on the retina . structurally cornea c...


                     !!!! Pancreatitis !!! 

 Definition - 

       inflammation of pancreas due to  etiological factor which cause injury to pancrease cell or activation of pancreatic enzyme into pancreas rather  than intestine that may result in auto digestion of pancreas by its own enzyme is know as pancreatitis.


there are two type of pancreatitis

 1. Acute pancreatitis 

 sudden and single attack of inflammation of pancreas is now as acute pancreatitis maybe recurrent with resolutions is also called acute pancreatitis.

     Etiology - 

    - alcohol abuse( may be increase secretion of pancreatic enzyme )
  - obstruction of the pancreatic duct by gallstone are the most common cause.         -biliary tract disease (most common in female) such is gallbladder stone and cystic fibrosis. 
 -  viral infection such as HIV mums some drugs like corticosteroids NSAID and oral contraceptives

Clinical manifestation 

      sudden abdominal pain in left quadrant 
    pain increased by intake of alcohol and fatty food
Cullen, S  sign - bluish discoloration of periumbilical region and abdominal .(due to blood staind exudates due to hypocalcaemia and intravascular damage into pancreas by circulating trypsin.)

Turner, S sign- bluish discoloration of flanks( due to hypocalcemia )

  Diagnosis  -

 elevated serum level of WBC, bilirubin lipase and amylase


2. Chronic pancreatitis 

    repeated attack of acute pancreatitis the inflammation process resulting  in  scarring and calcification of pancreatic tissue.
 the damage is Irreversible and affect both endocrine and exocrine function of pancreas


 chronic intake of alcohol, biliary tract disease, like  colelitiasis which cause  of sphinner of oddi.(most common cause).

Clinical manifestation 

   sign and symptoms of Diabetes mellitus,
jaundice ,
weight loss,
steatorrhea  (fat in stool )
abdominal pain and tenderness,


patient should not give anything by mouth until pain, nausea ,vomiting resolved .total parenteral nutrition fluid and electrolytes for the patient with severe pancreatitis, morphine causes spasm of  biliary duct so it is contraindicated in pancreatitis as an analgesic. administerd  pancreatic a  mixture of enzyme chiefly amylase, lipase  and protease usese  in patient with chronic pancreatitis , who do not secret adequate amount of there own pancreatic enzyme.
A  nasogastric tube may be inserted and placed on low intermittent suctioning to reduce Hydrochloric acid level or relieve gastric distention, because increase level of gastric juice or gastric distance may  cause pancreatic stimulation.

 advised to avoid alcohol consumption and Limited intake of fat and protein.
avoid spaicy food and avoided fatty diet.

  !!!!!!Indian science study point !!!!!!!  


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Sense organ eye

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