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Sense organ eye

 Eye or Vision  Anatomy of the eye-        Eye is the organ of sense for sight ,which situated in the orbital cavity or eye socket  Eye is the the spherical shaped organ in the sense which is help in vision or sensory vision .  It's about 2.5 CM in diameter and  three layers of the eye are completely covered There are three layer is-  1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous 2.Middle layer or tunica vasculosa 3.Inner layer or Tunica Nervosa   1.Outer layer or tunica fibrous- - Outer layer consists of two structure cornea and sclera . It is outermost avascular layer of eyes which preserve the shape of eye ,  A nteriorly consists of cornea and posteriorly consists of sclera.  A. Cornea - Cornea is the outermost part of the eyes which is anteriorly transparent Court over the coloured Iris . cornea is convex cornea is convex,anteriorly light rays enter into the eyes through the cornea to focus on the retina . structurally cornea c...

Cell and organelles ( structural and functional unit of the body)

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                         !!  Cell and organelles   !! 

  Introduction   of  cell 

Cell are the smollest functional unit of the body. They are group together to form tissues.

 The hume body develops from a single cell called the zygote

      Definition -

       Cell is a living structural and functional unit of the body wich enclosed
        By a membrane called cell



Plasma membrane or cell membrane 

                  Cell membrane form the outer boundary of the cell and selectively allow substance to enter or leave the cell. 
     The plasma membrane consist two layer of phospholipids. 

Phospholipid 75 %
Cholesterol  20 %
Glycolipids 5 %


    !! Transportation across plasma membrane !!

    movement of substance across cell membrane can be classified as two  type

            1  passive  process
             2   active process

Passive process 

    the substance down by its concentration gradient without use of cell energy as passive process

Active process 

     cellular energy used to move the substance against its concentration gradient is an hour active process

  Cytoplasm -

                  all cellular contents between cell membrane and nucleus is called cytoplasm

    There including all contant are following 

       1 Cytosol (intracellular fluid)

       Fluid  portion of all cytoplasm including 55% of total cell  volume.
        including 75 to 90% water and remaining are include glucose ,fatty acid, amino acid, protein, fate ,ATP and water products.

2 organelles

          organelles is a specialised structure and specific shape and perform specific function is called organelles .
          example - ribosome Golgi apparatus centrosome lysosome mitochondria nuclear etc.

      A.      centrosome 

        centrosome is near the nucleus and containing two centrioles in its centre.
      during Mitosis centrosome including centrioles migrate to opposite pole of cell

     B.   Ribosome 

     It made of granules composed of RNA and protein . ribosome is help in synthesized of protein from amino acid , ribosome also situated in the mitochondria which help in synthesis of mitochondrial protein.


   C.  Lysosomes 

   lysosome is made of number of hydrolytic enzyme , which capable for breaking Down protein and some of carbohydrate . lysosome are small membranes vesicles pinch  of the Golgi apparatus, lysosome is a white blood  cell containing enzyme that digest foregin particles such as microbes.

    D.    Nucleus 

all body cell have include nucleus with exception of of mature erythrocyte. the nucleus containing the bodies genetic material in the form of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid ).this direct its metabolic activities .
   nuclear is oval shape single structure with in a Cell,  Human Genome containing 30000 jeans.
  complete genetic information present in the cells is called genome.

  E. Mitochondria 

     mitochondria are membranous some time described is also now as power house of the cell . this is in the form of ATP which release energy when the cell it back down , mitochondria consists of two part outer mitochondrial membrane and inner mitochondrial membrane, within small space filled by fluid .
 mitochondria is road or oval shaped. 

F.  Golgi complex 

Golgi complex present in all cells of human body. Thin membranes sac like organelles in that involve into processing and Packaging of protein during their transportation and moving.

 the protein from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus where they are package in membranes bound vesicles.

G. Endoplasmic reticulum 

endoplasmic reticulum is a network of membranes tubules in the cytoplasm between the nucleus and cell membranes .

   it's found in two type - 
        1. rough endoplasmic reticulum                2. smooth endoplasmic reticulum

 one form attached with ribosome is called rough endoplasmic reticulum.

 another form that is free of ribosomes is called smooth endoplasmic reticulum


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                      Indian  science study point                          


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Sense organ eye

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